Naturcamping Seekamp
- Operating hours: 01.04 - 15.10 - currently in operation
- Address: Plöner Chaussee 5, 24326 Ascheberg, Germany - Show on map
- Region: BinnenlandGroßer Plöner See/Lake PlönBaltic Sea
Ratings in detail
- Tranquillity3.3
- Food / Shops1.0
- Overall cleanliness4.0
- Cleanliness of sanitary facilities4.3
- Friendliness4.8
- Infrastructure3.0
- Leisure activities4.3
- Location3.5
- Value for money4.5
- Sanitary facilities3.8
Activities recommended by guests
Cycling (3 Guests)
Kayaking (3 Guests)
Fishing (2 Guests)
(1 Guest)Mountain biking
(1 Guest)Relaxing
(1 Guest)Sailing
(1 Guest)Leisurely walks
(1 Guest)Swimming
(1 Guest)Rated by guests as "Suitable for"
Guests with dogs
Senior citizens
Guests with tents
Families with children under 12
Families with children under 18
Families with children under 6
Youth groups
Der Campingplatz Seekamp mit seiner familiären Atmosphäre bietet einen ruhigen, idyllischen Urlaubsort - direkt am Plöner See. Anfragen richten Sie bitte an
- Campsite category:
- Size of the site: 1.5 ha (Ground conditions: Grass)
- Total number of pitches: 40
- Number of tourist pitches: 20
- Motorhome pitches in front of the gates: Not available
- Stopover pitches in front of the gates also for caravans: Not available
Reference price
Peak season €23.00*
Low season €23.00*
*Two adults, caravan, car, electricity and local taxes per night
Operating hours
01. April - 15. OctoberLocation
A21 - Autobahnausfahrt "Bornhöved" -> Die Bundesstrasse 430 Richtung Plön fahren und am Ortsausgang von Ascheberg liegt der Campingplatz Seekamp auf der rechten Seite A7 - Autobahnausfahrt "Bordesholm" -> Der L67 in Richtung Bordesholm ca. 30km bis Ascheberg folgen. In …
- Sea: 30 km
- Lake: On site
- In the mountains: No
- Next city: 5 km
- Next town/village: On site
- Train or bus station: On site
- Motorway exit: 14 km
Plöner Chaussee 524326 Ascheberg
GPS Coordinates
Lat 54.15263, Long 10.35693
Get directionsContact
Naturcamping Seekamp
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