DCC Camping Kladow
- Operating hours: 01.04 - 30.09, 01.10 - 31.03 - currently in operation
- Address: Krampnitzerweg 111 - 117, 14089 Berlin - Kladow, Germany - Show on map
- Region: BerlinBrandenburg southNorth - Brandenburg
Ratings in detail
- Tranquillity3.8
- Food / Shops3.2
- Overall cleanliness3.6
- Cleanliness of sanitary facilities3.2
- Condition of rental accommodation3.3
- Friendliness4.0
- Infrastructure3.4
- Leisure activities3.5
- Location3.8
- Value for money3.4
- Sanitary facilities2.8
Activities recommended by guests
Cycling (16 Guests)
Swimming (14 Guests)
Sightseeing (13 Guests)
(12 Guests)Relaxing
(12 Guests)Culture
(9 Guests)Leisurely walks
(5 Guests)Mountain biking
(3 Guests)Motorcycle
(2 Guests)Sailing
(2 Guests)Food/Drink
(1 Guest)Rated by guests as "Suitable for"
Senior citizens
Guests with dogs
Guests with tents
Families with children under 12
Families with children under 18
Families with children under 6
Youth groups
Der Campingplatz Kladow befindet sich im gleichnamigen Berliner Stadtteil und ist angeschlossen an den Deutschen Camping-Club. In der Mitte des Campingplatzes liegt das Sanitärgebäude, ausgestattet mit Einzelduschen, Einzelwaschkabinen, Föhn und Babyraum. Es stehen Waschmaschinen und Wäschetrockner zur Verfügung. Koch- und …
- Campsite category:
- Size of the site: 7 ha (Ground conditions: Grass)
- Total number of pitches: 710
- Number of tourist pitches: 150 (Of which parcels: 70)
- Motorhome pitches in front of the gates: Not available
- Stopover pitches in front of the gates also for caravans: Not available
Reference price
Peak season €29.50*
Low season €29.00*
*Two adults, caravan, car, electricity and local taxes per night
Operating hours
01. April - 30. September01. October - 31. March
Zufahrt: Berliner Ring A10 bis zur Abfahrt Potsdam Nord – Nr. 25, dort auf die B 273 Richtung Potsdam, nach ca. 3 km links nach Fahrland. Weiter Richtung Potsdam bis zum Ende der Straße, links in die B 2 Richtung …
- Lake: 0.5 km
- In the mountains: No
- Height (above sea level): 40 m
- Next town/village: 0.5 km
- Train or bus station: 0.5 km
- Motorway exit: 10 km
Krampnitzerweg 111 - 11714089 Berlin - Kladow
GPS Coordinates
Lat 52.45389, Long 13.11306
Get directionsContact
DCC Camping Kladow
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