Flower Camping les Nauves


Шта гости пишу

Emmanuel B.
Boravak: Aug 2010



Set in more than 12 acres of beautiful Périgord Noir countryside, this campsite is the ideal base for visiting the châteaux of the Dordogne Valley, the world famous prehistoric caves at Lascaux, the mediaeval towns of Sarlat and Belvès or …the picturesque walled village of Monpazier. It also boasts a swimming pool, separate paddling pool, children’s activities and a wonderful restaurant and snack bar where you can build up your strength before taking a walk or horse ride from the campsite.
  • Категорија кампа:
  • Укупан број парцела: 100
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Референтна цена

Vrhunac sezone 25,90 €*
*Dvoje odraslih, karavan, auto, struja i lokalne takse za noć

Радни сати

05. April - 28. September




From Paris: Leave Souillac and head for Sarlat then Bergerac as far as Siorac-en-Périgord. Follow signs for Belvès then Monpazier on the D53 (heavy vehicles). Turn left towards Larzac. From Bordeaux: Périgueux, then Siorac-en-Périgord. Follow signs for Belvès then Monpazier …via the D53 (heavy vehicles). Turn left towards Larzac. From Toulouse: Cahors, then Villefranche-du-Périgord. Head for Belvès. Before Belvès, turn onto the D53 towards Monpazier via the D53 then follow signs for Larzac.
  • Reka: 7 km
  • У планинама: Ne
  • Sledeći grad: 4 km
  • Sledeći grad/selo: 4 km
  • Železnička ili autobuska stanica: 4 km


Le Bos Rouge 
24170 Belvès
GPS koordinate
Lat 44.75436, Long 0.98264
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Flower Camping les Nauves

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