Kmetija Drole

  • Obratovalni čas: 01.04 - 30.09 - trenutno v obratovanju
  • NaslovRavne pri Cerknem 155282 Cerkno, Slovenija - Pokaži na zemljevidu



The most beautiful farm in the hills with a beautiful view is a beautiful piece of countryside located on top of a picturesque hill. It is surrounded by green pastures, lush forest and many blooming fields. The farm offers a …unique combination of natural beauty, peace and traditional farm life. We raise different types of domestic animals on the farm, such as cows, chickens and pigs. Guests have the opportunity to participate in daily farm tasks, such as milking cows, mowing or helping in the garden. This allows you to immerse yourself in an authentic farm experience and connect with nature. The farm can also boast of excellent local cuisine. Guests have the opportunity to enjoy freshly prepared dishes made from locally grown ingredients. Delicious homemade dairy products, fresh vegetables, seasonal fruits and traditional farm dishes are served with a wonderful view of the surrounding landscape. Together with hospitable hosts and friendly locals, the farm in the hills with a beautiful view offers the perfect place for those who want to escape from the hustle and bustle of city life and immerse themselves in the peaceful and idyllic atmosphere of the countryside.
  • Skupno število igrišč: 8
  • Število turističnih parcel: 8
  • Parcele za avtodome pred vrati: 8
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Referenčna cena

Najvišja sezona 24,00 €*
Nizka sezona 24,00 €*
*Two adults, caravan, car, electricity and local tax per night

Obratovalni čas

01. April - 30. September




Cerkno -Trebenče - Gorje - Zakriž- Ravne pri Cerknem
  • Morje: 130 km
  • Jezero: 60 km
  • Reka: 20 km
  • V gorah: ja
  • Višina (nad morsko gladino): 700 m
  • Naslednje mesto: 10 km
  • Naslednji kraj/vas: 10 km


Ravne pri Cerknem 15
5282 Cerkno
GPS koordinate
Lat 46.1217535, Long 13.9570101
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Kmetija Drole

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