Camp Miočić


Рейтинги в деталях

  • Умиротворение

  • Еда / Магазины

  • Общая чистота

  • Чистота санитарных зон

  • Состояние съемного жилья

  • Дружелюбие

  • Инфраструктура

  • Досуг

  • Место расположения

  • Соотношение цена/качество

  • Санитарные зоны

Что гости пишут

Есть 3 отзывов путешественников.

Показать все отзывы

Действия, рекомендованные гостями

Плавание (56 Гости)
Релаксация (44 Гости)
Моторный катер (21 Гость)

(17 Гости)
Пеший туризм
(14 Гости)
(13 Гости)
(13 Гости)
Ловля рыбы
(12 Гости)
Осмотр достопримечательностей
(11 Гости)
Езда на велосипеде
(8 Гости)
(6 Гости)

Оценено гостями как "Подходит для"

Гости с палатками
Пожилые граждане
Гости с собаками
Семьи с детьми до 12 лет
Семьи с детьми до 6 лет
Семьи с детьми до 18 лет



Welcome to our family camp Miočić! The waves of the Adriatic Sea shape coastline,including islands and promontories. At the same time they create gorgeous beaches. There are as many bays and hills in Dalmatia as there are poetic words. They …reveal paradisiac gardens full of Mediterranean pleasant- smelling plants. Such a lovely fishing place is Rtina, close to 3000 years old town Zadar. It’s only 15 km far away from motorway (exit Posedarje), towards island of Pag, important camping destination. Camp Miočić is close to the sea and the local beach. Small fishing port in front of us offers special romantic atmosphere, especially by night. In our rustic stone house we prepare for you Dalmatian sea specialities and traditional dishes, using HACCP standards. You can enjoy all these things at our large stone terrace. Big massive stone tables are in the shade made of centuries-old olive trees. Moon reflection on the sea for sure will intensify your desire for a glass of local wine after dinner. Enjoy singing of our a cappella group (klapa) even without knowing words of Dalmatian song. If you are not willing to enjoy fishing by night or romantic swimming in a warm sea, you are only several steps from your camper or tent. They are located on one of ten places close to the sea or one of fifteen plots bigger than 100m2, provided with electricity, water and drainage. Our recently renovated sanitary facilities offer you high quality, including completely water recycling. During the day you can enjoy swimming or diving in the clean sea water, playing volleyball on our beach or visiting ornithological areas at the bottom of our bay. You can visit on foot or by bike many archaeological sites close by.We organize excursions for three national parks: Krka, Paklenica and Kornati. You can reach them in only 30 minutes by car. If you come as a member of a group bigger than 10 persons or stay at our place longer than ten days, we offer you a 10% discount. There is a special discount for members of our art club. There is no need to talk about fishing calamari by night and preparing together that catch as a meal…. Visit us and have a good time in a relaxed atmosphere.
  • Категория кемпинга:
  • Размер сайта: 0,3 ha (Грунтовые условия: Гравий)
  • Общее количество шагов: 20
  • Количество туристических мест: 20 (Из них посылки: 20)
  • Участки для автодомов перед воротами: Нет в наличии
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Справочная цена

Высокий сезон 35,30 €*
Низкий сезон 19,20 €*
*Два взрослых, дом на колесах, автомобиль, электричество и местные налоги за ночь

Часы работы

15. April - 30. October

Место расположения



Camping MIOCIC is situated in north Dalmatia, near town Zadar. The easiest way to come to place Rtina is by highway. You can use direction Zagreb-Zadar or Rijeka-Zadar to come to Maslenica-bridge, and after a few km. to your exit-POSEDARJE. …Then you follow direction of island PAG. After 11 km. you will come to crossroad, where you still follow direction PAG next 4 km. When you come to place RTINA - MIOČIĆI you will easily see our sign on the road which leads you to our campsite "MIOČIĆ". If you are coming from Rijeka- direction by using Adriatic touristic road you get on ferry-boat PRIZNA-ŽIGLJEN (they fly all the time during period from 30.-5. to 30.-9. / contact Jadrolinija agency) When you exit from ferry on island PAG, please follow direction-ZADAR, over whole island.After you exit the island crossing the PAG-bridge , there is only 6 km. left to see our sign on the main-road. Turn right next 300m. and you will arrive to your place for unforgetable hollidays. If you are coming from direction DUBROVNIK, SPLIT ,ZADAR,just follow the direction to island PAG. From ZADAR to crossroad you have 20 km. than turn left, after only 3.5 km. you will see our sign on the road. WELCOME!
  • Море: На месте
  • Высота (над уровнем моря): 10 m
  • Следующий город: 25 km
  • Следующий город/поселение: На месте
  • Железнодорожный или автобусный вокзал: 25 km
  • Съезд с автомагистрали: 15 km


Rtina 139
23248 Rtina
GPS координаты
Lat 44.29213, Long 15.30243
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Camp Miočić

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