EuroParcs De Utrechtse Heuvelrug




Welcome to EuroParcs De Utrechtse Heuvelrug Enjoy the high altitude of holiday park De Utrechtse Heuvelrug. What awaits you at this park? Comfort and nature! This holiday park is located in the heart of the Netherlands, surrounded by beautiful woods, …heathland, meadows and water, inviting you to enjoy lovely adventures on foot or by bike. From the holiday park you can be in the vibrant city of Utrecht in half an hour and in historic Amersfoort in 20 minutes! In the heart of nature The park is situated in the middle of the National Park 'De Utrechtse Heuvelrug'. This area is amazingly diverse with its beautiful castles and picturesque villages. Maarn, the village where the holiday park is located, stands out the most. It is the last intact garden village in the Netherlands and has been nominated for inclusion on the UNESCO World Heritage List. From forests to meadows and from heaths to sand drifts, the surroundings of EuroParcs De Utrechtse Heuvelrug are wonderful for cycling and walking thanks to the variety of landscapes. You can enjoy culinary delights in the restaurant. Not only do we serve delicious dishes from the Dutch-French cuisine, we also have a suitable menu for the children to choose from Do handicrafts, make new friends or play a game? During the school holidays, the animation team organises various activities at EuroParcs De Utrechtse Heuvelrug. Dive into the brand new indoor swimming pool! There is always a pleasant temperature of around thirty degrees Celsius. You can swim in the deep pool and swim or splash around with the kids in the shallower part, but also play ball games in the water. In the pool you will also find all kinds of climbing and jumping-in-the-water opportunities. From chips to ice cream to croquettes, you'll find it all in our snack bar. Perfect for satisfying a small appetite or when you don't feel like cooking. Fancy a nice breakfast with fresh rolls in the morning? You can order these a day in advance. The rolls will then be ready for you the next morning!
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  • Lago: 0,5 km
  • Prossima città: 0,5 km


Laan van Laag Kanje 1
3951 KD Maarn
Paesi Bassi
Coordinate GPS
Lat 52.07746855652578, Long 5.378970094432285
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EuroParcs De Utrechtse Heuvelrug

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