Camping Reno


Értékelések részletesen

  • Nyugalom

  • Élelmiszer / Boltok

  • Általános tisztaság

  • Higiéniai létesítmények tisztasága

  • Kedvesség

  • Infrastruktúra

  • Szabadidős tevékenységek

  • Elhelyezkedés

  • Érték-ár arány

  • Higiéniai létesítmények

Amit a vendégek írnak

A vendégek által javasolt tevékenységek

Étel/Ital (1 Vendég)
Kerékpározás (1 Vendég)
Pihenés (1 Vendég)

(1 Vendég)
Pihentető séták
(1 Vendég)
(1 Vendég)

Vendégek értékelése „Alkalmas”

Családok 12 évnél fiatalabb gyerekekkel
Családok 18 évnél fiatalabb gyerekekkel
Családok 6 évnél fiatalabb gyerekekkel
Ifjúsági csoportok



Surrounded by greenery, Camp Reno, has direct access to the sea, the places you will appear as portions of a large flower garden. They are supported by Toilet with free hot showers, sinks and dishwashers with hot water, chemical toilets, …Disabled Facilities, laundromat. Each plot also includes the free parking and camping facilities also provides natural gas cylinders. You can also rent log cabins built in natural wood with terrace completely equipped with kitchenette, refrigerator, dishes, table and chairs. In some of them you can also find the bathroom with toilet, sink and shower, satellite TV and air conditioned for your cool in extremely hot days and a warmth in the hot days. Campsite Reno also allows you to bring your dog with you whether you staying on pitch in one of our housing units. Inside you can also find a cozy bar / Tobacco with an excellent restaurant / pizzeria contracts available to full and half-board and on the supply of takeaway food which can be enjoyed safely in your pitch. There is also a mini market with the adjacent kiosk, equipped with beach items and camping equipment, all designed to give an answer to your needs. From 18 July to 20 August, an animation company will take care to involve large and small, in both the day and evening activities, arrange for you beach games, sporting tournaments, evening dance with cabaret and many other initiatives to spend stay with friends and fun. Arcade Play Ground and will be for your bimbini small and great, another time to get together and have fun. The campsite is located between Reno Marina Romea and that of Casal Borsetti and has direct access to the sea. It is located inside the Park of the Po Delta, which still preserves the landscape of vast swamps and plot of land and water that characterized many of our coastal areas. Here the evidence natural alternate with those of the man lying next to each other: together with archaeological evidence of Etruscan and Roman civilizations, the Byzantine mosaics and architectural treasures Este, we find the remains of primitive Mediterranean vegetation and wooded with the lakes, valleys and brackish wetlands of fresh water. In the midst of so much art and nature, places the Camp Reno, located close to the sea in the middle of the Pine Forest. The cozy guarantees guests a comfortable beach holiday, a time of deepening cultural and artistic, find out a man's relationship with nature. For bird watchers it is a unique place in the world: The bird watching can be done wandering around reed beds and valleys, or stopping on the special towers, shelters and staging points where the paths are provided. The possibility of organizing groups would be able, when it is requested to provide specific guidance for different types of interests
  • Kemping kategória:
  • Az oldal mérete: 3 ha (Talajviszonyok: Fű)
  • A pályák teljes száma: 250
  • Turisztikai helyek száma: 100 (Ebből a csomagok: 100)
  • Lakóautó helyek a kapuk előtt: Nem elérhető
  • Leállóhelyek a kapuk előtt lakókocsik számára is: Nem elérhető
Változást javasolni

Referencia ár

Főszezon 36,10 EUR*
*Két felnőtt, lakókocsi, autó, elektromos áram és helyi adók / éjszaka


01. April - 16. October




Camping Reno is easily reached from the State road 309 Romea (Venice - Ravenna) turning for Marina Romea and than on the left for Casal Borsetti. From the Freeway A14, after Ravenna, go on to the State road 309 Dir-Romea …and than the same described way. GPS dates. Latitude 44.53471 Longitude 12.27748
  • Tenger: Helyszínen
  • A hegyekben: Nem
  • Magasság (tengerszint felett): 5 m
  • Következő város: 15 km
  • Következő helység/falu: 2,5 km
  • Vonat- vagy buszállomás: 0,5 km


Spallazzi 11
48123 Casal Borsetti
Lat 44.53471, Long 12.27748
Útvonalak keresése
Változást javasolni


Camping Reno

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