Camping Natura/ Terme Olimia



The nature between the river Sotla and the Rudnica woods, the castle on the hill above the town Podčetrtek and St. Ema parish is all sun, sky and water. For decades this has been where the people have been coming …to spend some quality time in nature and to bivouac under the clear sky. For Nature Lovers Well-prepared camping sites of the Camp Natura*** near the thermal park Aqualuna with thermal water provide you with all the hospitality you want. The camping sites are equipped with sanitation stations and suitable for setting up vacation houses. Parts of the camping sites are reserved for temporary guests, who can then set up their tents or caravans. Camp is open from April 27 - October 15.
  • Leirintäalueen luokka:
  • Sivuston koko: 2 ha
  • Pelipaikkojen kokonaismäärä: 46
  • Turistipaikkojen määrä: 46 (Joista paketeista: 46)
  • Matkailuautopaikkoja porttien edessä: Saatavilla
  • Pysähdyspaikat porttien edessä myös matkailuvaunuille: Ei saatavilla
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Huippukausi 39,20 €*
Hiljainen kausi 35,20 €*
*Kaksi aikuista, asuntovaunu, auto, sähköt ja paikalliset verot per yö


27. April - 30. September
01. October - 26. April




ZAGREB – PODČETRTEK = 70 km There are only 70 km from Podčetrtek to Zagreb. On your way back to the spa you can make a stop in the known Croatian town Kumrovec, state border crossing Bistrica ob Sotli, then …continue your way to Podčetrtek, where we at Terme Olimia will already be expecting you. GRAZ – PODČETRTEK = 115 km When crossing the state border at Šentilj, the road will lead you through the city of Maribor. On the highway, take the Slovenska Bistrica exit and continue your way on the main road through Poljčane, Podplat, and Mestinje, where you make a left turn to Podčetrtek and already you are just a few minutes away from Terme Olimia. LJUBLJANA – PODČETRTEK = 115 km When driving from Ljubljana to Podčetrtek, the highway takes you to the Dramlje exit, then continue through Šentjur, Šmarje pri Jelšah, and in Mestinje make a right turn to Podčetrtek. Now you're just a few minutes away from Terme Olimia.
  • River: Alueella
  • Vuoristossa: Ei
  • Seuraava kaupunki: 15 km
  • Seuraava kaupunki/kylä: 1,5 km
  • Rautatie- tai linja-autoasema: 0,1 km
  • Moottoritien ramppi: 30 km


Zdraviliška cesta 24
3254 Podcetrtek
Lat 46.1653, Long 15.60522
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Camping Natura/ Terme Olimia

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