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camping.info Award 2025
The best Campsites in Europe!
With the camping.info Award, we annually recognize the 110 most popular campsites across Europe. This award is a pure audience choice prize—campers alone decide who belongs to the best of the best, with no jury involved. Thanks to a well-established formula that considers both overall guest satisfaction and the number and recency of reviews, even smaller campsites have a real chance to make it into the ranking.
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A camping trip wouldn’t be complete without being able to enjoy a home-made meal in the great outdoors: When you’re out in the wilderness, even the simplest of meals taste twice as delicious as they usually do. Depending on what kind of meals you’d like to make, the number of utensils you’ll need in your camping kitchen could add up quickly. That’s why we’ve come up with a packing list to guarantee you won’t forget anything — some of these are optional, of course.